10 Awesome Facts About Real Estate Investment That You Should Know - Engraced Choice Properties

Engraced Choice Properties

10 Awesome Facts About Real Estate Investment That You Should Know

real estate investment
Real Estate Investment- Buy Real estate and wait

Do you need Money? Or do you need even more Money? no one ever tries to stop making money, if not so Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bernard Arnault, Bill Gates and even our Aliko Dangote who are some of the richest men in the world, wouldn’t still be investing and acquiring more. How do I know this? Elon Musk recently bought Twitter, Aliko Dangote has not shutdown his companies simply because they have enough already, rather, they are still investing and making more money.

An average Nigerian man would say “Abeg, if I just get like One Million Naira, waiting I dey look for again?”. I bet if such person gets that amount of Money he will not be satisfied, the human needs are insatiable, so they say and it is so true, that is why the quest to always have more continues everyday, A million naira could be enough, depending on how it is been spent, either wisely or foolishly and the surest and safest way to spend wisely is to invest and buy assets. All the rich and wealthy people we admire and look up today invested the little they had at a time.

There is a saying that “You can predict the future by what you do now” remember “any one who eat up his seed should not expect to harvest when it is time”. The only way to build wealth is by investing and trust me there are so many ways and things to invest in.  One of the most reliable and profitable ways to invest, is “REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT” Yes!.

What is real estate?

Real Estate, in layman’s term, is simply Land, along with any permanent improvement attached to the land, whether natural or man-made including water, trees, minerals, buildings, homes, fences and bridges.

Real Estate is a form of Real Property, which are things not permanently attached to the land, such as vehicles, boats, jewellery, furniture and farm equipment.

Importance of real estate investment

The importance of real estate investment can not be over emphasized, nevertheless lets quickly take a look at some of its importance.  

 How do you feel when you buy the latest car worth millions of naira? Excited, right? Good! But do you know that within a short period of time that car will no longer be the latest and the value depreciates? An iPhone for instance cannot be sold at the rate it was bought even if it’s was used for just a day.

Don’t misunderstand me, having all these things is good, of course, we want to make money to live comfortably, give to charity and secure the future for our generation unborn.

Having said that, here are some key importance of real estate investment.

  • real estate investment does not crash: Many have lost huge amount of money investing in digital currencies and living in regrets now because of that singular act.
  • It is an asset not a liability
  • The value increases depending on the location
  • The value for real estate can appreciate well over time.

Why you should invest in real estate

  • It is the safest form of investment.
  • Land cannot be produced.
  • You don’t need to be afraid of its originality.
  • Potential for earning high rate of return.
  • It can provide cash flow for retirement.
  • real estate investment can be stable investment with ongoing income.


Real estate investment is the best investment anyone can venture into and have peace of mind. Another good thing about this investment is, one does not need to have millions in other to own a piece of land, just that Five Hundred Thousand Naira in your account can make you a property owner, which in a short time, that same land will double the price it was bought or built on and you become a landlord/landlady. Oh! How sweet that sounds, but if only you follow the right channel.

How would you like to know the best real estate investment to start with? Right time? The right time to invest is always now! Click here to talk to us Or Check out our ongoing projects you can invest in.

click here! to read more about real estate investments

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